/* * ################################################### * # # * # author: marko maksym # * m website: http://blognauki.in.ua/my-works/ m * # project name: mx-slider # * # e-mail: markomaksym@gmail.com # * x date of creation: 04.10.2016 x * # last modified: # * # # * ################################################### */ ;( function( $ ){ $.defaultconfig = { nav: true, // create forward and backward buttons. if set to "false", the navigation will not be dots: false, // buttons to navigate timeslide: 1000, // the length of time autoplay: false, // autoplay autoplayspeed: 5000 // autoplay speed }; $.fn.mxslider = function( params ){ var settings = $.extend( {}, $.defaultconfig, params ); sliderperform( this, settings ); }; function sliderperform( root, settings ){ /* --------------------------------------------- * create slider ----------------------------------------------*/ var countslide, heightslide, createslider = { createclass: function(){ root.addclass( 'mx-slider_wrap' ); }, createwrap: function(){ root.wrap( '
' ); }, createnavigation: function(){ if( settings.nav == true ){ $( '
' ).appendto( '.mxslider' ); } }, createitemslider: function(){ root.children().addclass( 'mx-slide' ); }, getheightitem: function(){ heightslide = root.children().eq(0).height() - 4; settimeout( function(){ root.css( 'height', heightslide + 'px' ); }, 500 ); }, getcountslide: function(){ countslide = root.children( '.mx-slide' ).length; }, setzindex: function(){ var i = countslide; $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ $(this).css( 'z-index', i-- ); } ); }, createdonsnavigation: function(){ if( settings.dots == true ){ $( '
' ).appendto( '.mxslider' ); var d = 1; $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ $( '' + d + '' ).appendto( '.mx-nav_dots' ); d++; } ); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).eq( 0 ).addclass( 'dotactive' ); } }, // init function init: function(){ // add class this.createclass(); // create wrapper this.createwrap(); // add class children item this.createitemslider(); // get count slides this.getcountslide(); // set z-index for slide this.setzindex(); // get height this.getheightitem(); // create navigation this.createnavigation(); // create dots-navigation this.createdonsnavigation(); } }; /* initialise */ createslider.init(); /* ------------------------------------------------- * functions slider --------------------------------------------------*/ // func play next function playnext(){ if( keymotion == true ){ keymotion = false; $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == countslide ){ $( this ).animate( { 'left': '-100%' }, settings.timeslide ); } }); settimeout( function(){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ getzi = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); $( this ).css( 'z-index', parseint( getzi ) + 1 ); } ); $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == countslide + 1 ){ $( this ).css( 'z-index', '1' ); $( this ).css( 'left', '0%' ); } } ); // dots active if( settings.dots == true ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ zinex = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); if( zinex == countslide ){ nthchild = $( this ).index(); if( nthchild == countslide ){ nthchild = 0; } $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).removeclass( 'dotactive' ); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).eq( nthchild ).addclass( 'dotactive' ); } } ); } keymotion = true; }, settings.timeslide + 100 ); } } // func play back function playback(){ if( keymotion == true ){ keymotion = false; $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == 1 ){ $( this ).css( 'left', '-100%' ); } }); settimeout( function(){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ getzi = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); $( this ).css( 'z-index', parseint( getzi ) - 1 ); } ); $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == 0 ){ $( this ).css( 'z-index', countslide ); $( this ).animate( { 'left': '0%' }, settings.timeslide ); } } ); },100 ); settimeout( function(){ // dots active if( settings.dots == true ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ zinex = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); if( zinex == countslide ){ var nthchild = $( this ).index(); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).removeclass( 'dotactive' ); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).eq( nthchild ).addclass( 'dotactive' ); } } ); } keymotion = true; }, settings.timeslide + 200 ); } } // func autoplay function autoplay(){ if( settings.autoplay == true ){ autoplayinit = setinterval( function(){ playnext(); },settings.autoplayspeed ); } } // func autoplay amend function autoplayamend(){ clearinterval( autoplayinit ); autoplay(); } /*------------------------------------------------- * functional init --------------------------------------------------*/ var keymotion = true, autoplayinit = null, motionslide = { nextslide: function(){ $( '.mx-next' ).on( 'click', function(){ playnext(); autoplayamend(); } ); }, prevslide: function(){ $( '.mx-prev' ).on( 'click', function(){ playback(); autoplayamend(); }); }, autoplayint: function(){ autoplay(); }, dotsmotion: function(){ $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).on( 'click', function(){ autoplayamend(); var thisdonnum = $( this ).text(), thissildernth; $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ thissilderzi = parseint( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) ); if( thissilderzi == countslide ){ thissildernth = $( this ).index() + 1; } } ); if( thissildernth < thisdonnum && keymotion == true ){ var dotintervalnext = setinterval( function(){ keymotion = false; if( thissildernth != thisdonnum ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == countslide ){ $( this ).animate( { 'left': '-100%' }, 200 ); } }); settimeout( function(){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ getzi = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); $( this ).css( 'z-index', parseint( getzi ) + 1 ); } ); $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == countslide + 1 ){ $( this ).css( 'z-index', '1' ); $( this ).css( 'left', '0%' ); } } ); // dots active if( settings.dots == true ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ zinex = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); if( zinex == countslide ){ nthchild = $( this ).index(); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).removeclass( 'dotactive' ); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).eq( nthchild ).addclass( 'dotactive' ); } } ); } }, 300 ); } else{ clearinterval( dotintervalnext ); keymotion = true; } thissildernth++; },400 ); } else if( thissildernth > thisdonnum && keymotion == true ){ var dotintervalprev = setinterval( function(){ keymotion = false; if( thissildernth != thisdonnum ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == 1 ){ $( this ).css( 'left', '-100%' ); } }); settimeout( function(){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ getzi = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); $( this ).css( 'z-index', parseint( getzi ) - 1 ); } ); $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ if( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) == 0 ){ $( this ).css( 'z-index', countslide ); $( this ).animate( { 'left': '0%' }, 200 ); } } ); // dots active if( settings.dots == true ){ $( '.mx-slide' ).each( function(){ zinex = $( this ).css( 'z-index' ); if( zinex == countslide ){ nthchild = $( this ).index(); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).removeclass( 'dotactive' ); $( '.mx-nav_dots span' ).eq( nthchild ).addclass( 'dotactive' ); } } ); } },100 ); } else{ clearinterval( dotintervalprev ); keymotion = true; } thissildernth--; },400 ); } } ); }, // motion function contrmotion: function(){ // next slider this.nextslide(); // prev slider this.prevslide(); // autoplay this.autoplayint(); // dots this.dotsmotion(); } }; /* controller */ motionslide.contrmotion(); // responsive var resize; $( window ).resize( function(){ cleartimeout( resize ); resize = settimeout( function(){ heightslide = root.children().eq(0).height() - 4; root.css( 'height', heightslide + 'px' ); },600 ); } ); } } )( jquery );